News - Page 45

10 ways to get started in organic gardening

Nowadays we’re all looking for ways to garden more organically, using fewer manufactured chemicals and creating a healthy ecosystem in our gardens. Making an organic garden doesn’t happen overnight, but with a few changes to your gardening habits, you’ll soon see the benefits. Here are our top 10 tips on preparing your vegetable garden for organic growth this year.

Welcome spring into your garden

It is time to welcome spring into your garden with an abundance of much-needed colour from spring bulbs and tree blossom. The garden birds start to sing, and it’s time for wildlife to wake up from the colder months gone by. As the trees and hedgerows begin to green up and seedlings are growing in the greenhouse, this time of year is a welcome treat of hope for the warmer months ahead.

Celebrate Mother's Day with a dose of nature

The one day of the year we celebrate Mother's Day everywhere, will soon be here and it's a day to recognise, appreciate and thank the special lady in our life. You could go for an exclusive meal or a girls day at the spa, but nothing is more appreciated than spending time with Mum, perfect quality time. Plus where better to go than to immerse yourselves in nature. There are plenty of options since it is springtime and here are our top picks.

How to prune roses

Pruning roses doesn’t have to be complicated. Simply follow a few basic principles, then sit back and enjoy the gorgeous blooms of your favourite roses this summer.

Unusual houseplant displays

Have you seen any unusual houseplant displays? Since the houseplant trend has taken off wildly these last few years, there are so many displays to take inspiration from for your own home. From small shelf displays to fun houseplants planted up in old toys, the options are almost endless. We have found some of the best unusual houseplant displays for you to try at home with your favourite plants.

Add a touch of Latin to your home

It is easy to add a touch of Latin to your home with colourful accessories and big, beautiful tropical plants. Latin artistry is bright and captivating with mosaics and fabrics mixed with a refreshing and exciting mix of art. It can be a big change to implement a full design like this to home so adding a touch of the style can go a long way to bringing in the fun and culture of Latin America to your everyday life at home.

Flower of the month: Tulip

The flower of the month has to be the March Tulip! As we step over the threshold to the spring months ahead, the bulbs are flowering, and our gardens, kitchen gardens, patios and balconies all start to show some beautiful colour. The Tulip is the most vibrant of them all, coming in a range of colours and varieties there is one to suit everyone and all gardens. To celebrate the vibrant flowers, here are some facts and tips about the colourful Tulip.

15 gardening tips for March

Daffodils bob in the breeze, buds appear on the trees – yes, spring’s really here at last. Spend an hour or two now getting your garden into shape, and you’ll reap the benefits all summer long. Here are our top garden tips for March.

How to grow and prune wisteria

Each year, the gorgeous sight and scent of blooming wisteria, covering walls and draped elegantly over arches and pergolas, is the signal that spring is really and truly here. If you’ve always dreamed of growing wisteria, here’s how to care for this beautiful climber.

Left-over seeds

Any gardener will know there are seeds from leftover seed packets every year as the seed packets increase rather than decrease! It is just too tempting not to buy the many packets of seeds available, even if they don’t end up being sown and grown. You only need to look at gardeners on social media to see the vast collections of seed packets annually organised into monthly sowing to see just how many seed packets are hoarded each year. But what do you do with the seeds leftover in each packet after you’ve sown all you need?

All about marigolds

Marigold means ‘golden flower’ and these delightful annuals will gleam and dazzle in pots and borders all summer. Easy to grow and care for, marigolds attract beneficial insects, and they’re also great at pest control.

How to choose the right garden tools

Having the right tools makes any job easier, and that goes for gardening too. To help you decide what you need for your garden, here’s our guide to our top ten garden tools.