Nest Boxes
National Nest Box Week is a yearly event that takes place from February 14–21. It's a time to raise awareness about the importance of nesting sites for birds and to encourage people to put up nest boxes.
Why is it important?
- Nest boxes provide a safe place for birds to breed and raise their young
- They can help to stabilize bird populations and maintain their long-term existence
- They can contribute to the conservation of species
What birds use nest boxes?
Blue tit, Coal tit, Great tit, House sparrow, Marsh tit, Nuthatch, Pied flycatcher, and Redstart.
How can you encourage birds to use a nest box?
- Put up bird feeders and water around the nest box
- Place the box between 2–5 meters from the ground to keep cats away
- Position the box so it faces between north and east to catch morning sun but avoid the heat of midday sun