Caring for your Christmas Plants

Caring for your Christmas Plants

Here at Thirsk Garden Centre we care about quality, locally grown plants, and you can't get much more local than our beautiful poinsettias and cyclamens, all grown in Thirsk, just over the road!


Native to Mexico, these beautiful plants hate cold and draughts, here at Thirsk Garden Centre we carefully protect your poinsettia until you get it home. But how should you care for your poinsettia once you get it home to keep it going for many weeks?

  • Position somewhere light and warm - away from draughts (don't leave on a windowsill after you've drawn the curtains) and from direct heat like radiators and fires
  • Maintain humidity by standing in wet gravel, avoid watering the red bracts and leaves, and use room temperature water
  • Placing a drip-feeder in the compost will help keep your plant healthy



Available in a variety of colours and sizes Cyclamen make a lovely Christmas gift if you don't fancy a traditional poinsettia this year. Like our poinsettias these plants are grown just accross the road from Thirsk Garden Centre, so you really are shopping local this year!

  • Position somewhere cool and light (around 16oC ideally) out of direct sunlight and away from draughts
  • Watering is best done with room temperature water (preferably collected rain water, or water that has been previously boiled). Try to avoid watering in the centre of the plant, preferably stand the pot in a dish of water, and drain once compost is moist but not soaking wet
  • Feed during and after flowering (Baby Bio is perfect for this) but stop feeding and watering as soon as the leaves start to wither (the plant is entering a rest period)
  • Aftercare: Lay the pot on its side in a cool place (ideally 10oC) until growth restarts. Re-pot the corn and move to a warmer place to start flowering again